Ngati Rangatahi

- Tame Tuwhangai – Chairman
- Wayne Houpapa - Deputy Chairman
- Jannette Jonathan
- Tristanne Dunlop
- Michael LeGros
- Moerangi Rakaupai
- Donna Tuwhangai
- Sonny Houpapa
- Iris Pahau - Secretary/Treasurer

- Iris Pahau, Kaitiaki Kaupapa
- Daena Moller, Kaiwhakahaere
- Robert Jonathan, Kaitatari Raraunga
Establish a Ngāti Rangatahi council of kaumatua/kuia
Conserve, improve, advance, and maintain the physical, economic, industrial, educational, social, moral, and spiritual well-being of Ngāti Rangatahi uri
Preserve, revive, and maintain the teaching of Te Reo Māori arts, crafts, and ngā waiata tawhito
Through our whakapapa, mātaranga, pūrākau, tāhuhu kōrero, and ngā taonga tuku iho, we will protect the intellectual property rights of Ngāti Rangatahi for the future of ngā mokopuna
Conserve, protect, and assist in the development of projects that will co-exist with the whenua, moana, awa, the flora and fauna, all native creatures (including fish); thereby, utilising the land and sea for the benefit of all
Our Heritage
He Taonga Tuku Iho
Engage in direct negotiations with the crown for the settlement of Ngāti Rangatahi claims as determined by the claimants
Provide resources as required for a settlement for all Ngāti Rangatahi claimants
Promote and secure a customary and Te Tiriti rights of Ngāti Rangatahi
Treaty of Waitangi Claims
Te Tiriti ō Waitangi Kereme
Determine the social and economic advancement of the Ngāti Rangatahi hapu through the mainenance of all Ngāti Rangatahi marae
Advance individual housing needs to ensure that whānau live in healthy and warm environments
Support for our whānau
Manaaki ō Mātou Whānau
Develop and maintain a register of all descendants of Ngāti Rangatahi
Promote, preserve, and revive Ngāti Rangatahi as a hapu of collective whānau joined by whakapapa, through which we exercise our own tino rangatiratanga
Promote and connect relationships between Ngāti Rāngatahi Whanaunga Association Inc. and members of the wider community
Nga Whakahaere
Tā Tātou Rautaki
Our Strategic Plan

Tā Tātou Rautaki
Our Strategic Plan